
I'm regularly inspired by all sorts of people. Sometimes for the smallest of things, but all of them have taken the time to write which is getting a lot rarer these days and I feel is important to share.

Here's a list of some of those people that you might find interesting.

Alice Bartlett

I worked with Alice a long time ago at the FT, I stumbled across her blog and was awestruck how dedicated she's been to her weekly notes (over 300 weeks and counting) giving a witty, charming and interesting insight into her and her families life. It's so normal, it's lovely and grounding and I don't think she knows how important it is.

Derek Sivers

I discovered Derek Sivers from one of his books last year, I then went on to consume as much as I could of Derek, going through his books, various podcasts he's been on and reading a lot of his blog which he's maintained over a decade.

A self described philosopher after an incredible career in music and building his own company up. There's plenty here to chew on, with nuggets of wisdom and thought provoking posts. 

Funnily enough, I discovered Derek a long time ago thanks to his famous post about first followers. If you don't read anything else from him, that page is worth it alone.

Charlotte Ballantyne

I recently discovered Charlotte when I spent time researching travel, New Zealand and adventures. She's been writing for a long time, having lived all over the world and I love to read about her adventures, exploration and travel in general.

Many people travel, but I particularly like the way Charlotte captures her adventures with plenty of pictures and detail about the trips she's taken for more than a decade. I don't know how big her audience is, but I'm glad to have stumbled across it.